Illinois QDRO Form

Illinois QDRO Form

When dividing an Illinois pension plan, such as SURS, TRS, SRS or MEABF, the Illinois QDRO form, or the QILDRO form, is the starting point. The language of the order, the QILDRO is prescribed by statute. Your QILDRO must have the language in the statute.

To make things easier most Plan Administrators of pension plans subject to Illinois state law have created their own QILDRO forms or templates. If an Illinois QDRO form for the particular plan exists, it should be used. Which provisions on the QILDRO form are chosen, whether amounts or percentages are used, depends on the language of the Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage.

If you are in a divorce proceeding, it is a good idea to review the relevant QILDRO template for the type of language that can be used. Unless the options are absolutely clear to you, you should discuss them with an attorney knowledgeable about Illinois state pension plans.

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